honeyroo™ is operated in Fort Worth, TX by the Sunday family. Every honeyroo™ carrier is crafted with love in hopes that parents around the world can find pain relief during the important bonding phase of child carrying.


When I was expecting our first child, I was quickly overwhelmed at the magnitude of options for baby items - some of which I didn’t even know existed (who knew there were so many different kinds of diaper cream?). 

Baby wearing was one of these things I knew nothing about, so down the rabbit hole of research I went. We got a traditional carrier because we were “supposed” to have one. My son didn’t like being in it and it hurt my back after just a few minutes.  He’s a skinny kid too, always has been so it made no sense to me why it hurt.

Fast forward 3 years; we welcomed our daughter into the family and life became crazy! I quickly discovered why people wear babies - because there are other children who still need YOU and baby is only happy if YOU are holding them!

I dragged out the old carrier and tried to deal with the back pain but it was a no-go. The constant pulling on my shoulders and lower back was leaving me exhausted.  My husband, who is 6’7”, had even worse luck!  He has natural back issues so baby carrying with that carrier was a huge "NO".

My husband, a huge believer in the American dream, sat me down and said, "There has to be something better.  Baby carrying shouldn't be like this.  You went through enough pain in childbirth."

So we got to work! We researched alternatives and tried to find out how to make our own.  We looked at what was working, what wasn't, and what parents were talking about all over the social media.

And with that, honeyroo™ was born! After years of sacrifice, grit, and a whole lot of grace, we are so excited to share our carrier with you and we are honored to help your families! 

-Meredith Sunday
